December 2024
1. What does the AirKiosk system do?
The AirKiosk system is an integrated solution for distribution, reservations, inventory management, check-in and revenue management.

Five GUIs provide differentiated user access to inventory and system functions.

Control Agent Interface
Schedule Create and Change
Inventory Management
Point-of-Sale Control
Offices and Agents
Flight Activity Tracking and Alerts
Revenue Management Tools
Sales Statistics and Reports with graphic presentation
Customer Loyalty Database
System Tables
Message Switching Control
Check-In Interface
Lists: PNL, ADL, Standby, Boarded, Service
Seat map with point-and-click assignment
Seat plan by gender for load control
Online validation of tickets and PNRs
Optional boarding pass and bag tag printing
Call Center Interface
Full Schedule, AV, Fares display
Full PNR handling for all points of sale
Ticket Stock management
TSR (Ticket Sales Report) by POS
Passenger Protection and Reaccommodation
Internet Agent Interface
Private access for travel agents, wholesalers, corporate accounts, other direct channels:
You control, at each agent office:
  • AV and Fares display
  • PNR, Payment and Ticket handling
Agency Management functions
Self-Booking Interface
Public access for Internet consumers:
Controlled AV and Fares display
Credit card or T/L hold bookings, or both
Automatic booking confirmation and e-ticket delivery

AirKiosk system interfaces and message switching allow you to connect to:
  • GDSs
  • Other airlines
  • Credit Card Authorization bureaus
  • Other systems, including external DCS and RM
and any other trading partners with whom you have commercial links.

AirKiosk system inventory management functions support interline and codesharing agreements.
2. How does the AirKiosk system work?
The AirKiosk system runs on Linux servers over TCP/IP, based on an N-tier, network-centric architecture. The AirKiosk system can run on multiple logical and physical servers. Processing power and data reside wherever they are most needed and cost-effective.

Airkiosk System Advantage Your Benefit
Network-centric architecture
  • Reliability
  • System management and maintenance
  • Rapid application development
  • Compatibility with multiple OSs
Structured data, object and message-based databases
  • Response time
  • Scalability
Component application servers
  • Shortened development cycles
  • Maintenance ease
  • Security
Ability to distribute logical servers among multiple, physical servers in a network
  • System availability
  • Reduced communications costs
  • Security
  • Tailoring of POS presentations to distinct user groups
Ability to use commodity hardware products and a range of processor types and sizes.
  • Reduced hardware platform costs
  • Scalability
  • Flexibility to use new technology as it becomes available
Ability to integrate with legacy systems and access devices.
  • Investment protection
  • Gradual migration capability
3. Can the AirKiosk system help me if I already have a reservations solution?
Yes. Although the AirKiosk system is a full reservations and inventory management solution, its architecture is flexible enough to allow for integration and cooperative implementations with other systems. This is true whether you own your current reservation solution or are hosted on a third party’s system.

For example, you can use the AirKiosk system to make all -- or selected parts -- of your master inventory available to points-of-sale which cannot access your host. The inventory available on the AirKiosk system is sold via AVS Open/Close messages managed by your host.

You can also split your inventory, making selected parts available only through the AirKiosk system and the points-of-sale you have designated for AirKiosk system access.

There are multiple benefits to using the AirKiosk system with legacy solutions:
  • Cost-savings on ATO/CTO sales for vendors currently hosted by a third-party.
  • Fast, easy (and controlled) introduction of direct sales to corporate accounts, travel agents or consumers, or all of these segments.
  • Protection of host resources from excessive, and often unproductive, availability and fare “look ups” generated by Internet sites.
  • Lower-cost distribution for special categories of inventory, such as charter flight operations, tour/consolidator operator sales, or discounted products.
These are just a few examples. If you have questions about a specific implementation idea, let us know.

If you are a large vendor with your own reservations host and high-level CRS/GDS participation, read our White Paper “Death by Booking Engine” to understand how the AirKiosk system will help you.
4. Is the AirKiosk system a “booking engine?”
The AirKiosk system can be used as a “booking engine.” However, the AirKiosk system is not a “booking engine.”

The difference is critical. Unlike “booking engines,” the AirKiosk system has fully functional inventory management, booking file, passenger handling, revenue management, and point-of-sale control functions.

To understand more about the difference, download our White Paper “Death by Booking Engine”.
5. Is there a limit to the transactions I can process with the AirKiosk system?
AirKiosk system software is scalable. For each AirKiosk system implementation, we specify hardware to handle expected transaction loads. As transaction requirements grow, the AirKiosk system can grow, too. We can determine and configure necessary hardware upgrades whenever they are required.
6. How do I get the AirKiosk system?
There are two options:

ASP Service
We host your system on our own server complex. Monthly fees, based on your passenger volume, allow you to use to all system functions and our processing and technical support facilities.

License Purchase
A one-time license payment allows you perpetual use of the AirKiosk system on your site. Support and maintenance (including software upgrades) is contracted annually.
7. What do I need to install the AirKiosk system?
If you use our ASP, you only need PCs with browsers for your users and an Internet connection to our servers.

If you are installing the AirKiosk software on your site, you will need:

One or more servers, depending on your needs. We will help you size, specify and configure the hardware for your installation.

Linux operating system
Standard browser software

Internet (ISP) connection

For CCA, GDS and interline connections, you will need appropriate commercial agreements with those entities. The AirKiosk system provides for the physical links.
8. Do I need any other software licenses?
NO. The AirKiosk system does NOT require that you license or use TP monitors, RDBMs, MS Windows or other third-party packaged software. All of the functions provided by these “extra layers” in other systems are built into the AirKiosk system software.
9. How long does it take to get started?
There are three steps to installing the AirKiosk system, in many cases the entire process can take as few as 6 to 8 weeks.

Hardware/Network Implementation
We provision your server and network requirements on our ASP or, if you are installing the AirKiosk software on your site, we help you with planning, specifications and configuration.

Software Implementation
We configure the AirKiosk software for your requirements, prepare any customizations required, brand your public interfaces, and load your initial databases and tables.

We “train the trainers” in separate programs: System and Database Control, Reservations and Ticketing, Check-In and, if you have purchased a license, System Administration.
10 What support and maintenance is included?
We provide both online and telephone support, including expert-level support for your control agents. AirKiosk system users receive standard software upgrades and new releases. We also assist you with system expansions to handle increased transaction volumes.